Looking for a great Dentist in Summerville?

Find the perfect Summerville Dentist for your family.

Our Mission Is to Provide an Easy to Use Way to Find a Great Dentist

Summerville is a wonderful town with some great dental practices to choose from.  From Pediatric Dentists to Cosmetic Dentistry, you’ll find them here.

Dentist Patient

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Visiting a dentist is important because it helps maintain good oral health. Regular checkups and cleanings can help detect problems early, such as tooth decay or gum disease, and allow for timely treatment. Additionally, good oral health can improve overall health and reduce the risk of serious health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes.

How To Combat Dental Anxiety

How To Combat Dental Anxiety

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to combating dental anxiety, as every individual experiences the condition differently. However, some general tips that may help include: Discuss your anxiety with your dentist. This will help them understand how you...

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Pediatric Dentistry: Keeping Little Teeth Healthy

Pediatric Dentistry: Keeping Little Teeth Healthy

As a parent, you want to do everything you can to ensure the happiness and health of your children. This includes making sure they receive the necessary medical care to stay healthy. One important yet often overlooked aspect of a child’s health is their oral health....

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General Dentist

General dentistry covers a range of treatment options and procedures fundamental to protecting and maintaining a good standard of oral health.


A periodontist focuses on problems that patients have with their gums, bone and tissues which support the teeth. 



An endodontist is also known as a root canal specialist. They treat the sick, dead, inflamed or infected nerve of a tooth that can cause excruciating pain. 


Oral Surgeon

An oral surgeon performs surgeries, treatments, and provides diagnosis to patients with oral, facial, or maxillary injuries, illnesses, or birth malformations.



A prosthodontist is a dental specialist who makes prostheses, or replacement teeth that are removable or non-removable for patients who are missing some or all of their teeth.



A pediatric dentist or pedodontist is a type of dentist who treats mainly children. 

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